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Promotion Services

-Get Heard-

Instagram Promotion:


Now that Instagram has over 300 million monthly users (that’s more than Twitter!), its become the idea place for artists to identify & engage thier fan base. 


Posting the right images at the right times and staying engaged is important but it's not enough for you to grow your fan base. You can post the best pics in the Instagram Universe but if its only reaching your same 300 family members and friends how can you grow?


We specialize in getting your page out to 100,000's  of instagrammers in the specific audience that likes your style of music!


This is not a fake "follow" or fake "like" site where you pay us to add fake users to your page. This service only reaches out to real people that like similar music to your own.


We garantee a minimum of 100-500 followers per month! 

We will also give you a guide that will show you precisley how to do your part to make Instagram make money for you!




Radio Promotion:


Radio stations receive hundreds of emails & CD’s every month with few of them ever getting heard by the programmers, let alone getting any airplay. It is imposible to get on major stations today without an experienced Major Label radio promoter.


We connect you with a Radio promoter that has major Label and big market experience. They actively solicit radio for airplay and can garantee a specific number of BDS and/or MediaBase spins depending on you sound and budget. 


They will work with you to decide which region of the US to go after and provide feedback from the various stations. 


Radio campaigns usually run 6-8 weeks. Project will be garanteed a certain number of weekly spins. Each project is different but our radio promotors will be upfront and honest with you regarding expectations.





Blog Promotion:


In 2016, it's no secret that the internet is the number one dispatcher of all news in music. We follow blogs that share content we care about. As musicians, it's your job to form relationships with blogs and bloggers in order to get our music out to the public. The problem is that you're competing with a swarm of other indie bands as well as PR professionals. Here are 2 companies that will help you cut through the noise & get on the blogs that matter!

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